ADF Discoveries

Jan 30

Mussels and oysters

Formulating using USDA nutrient data for eastern canned oysters and blue mussels can lead to significant zinc and manganese deficiencies. Here are the data. Zinc in oysters, USDA nutrient database values, and ADF Typicals™ values mg

Jan 26

Formulating cooked diets improperly can lead to undernourishment

Only the ADF formulates cooked diets the way people shop. A client has a 30-pound active puppy, needing 1500 kcal per day. She feeds her puppy an ancestral-type diet, lightly cooked. The veterinarian formulates a lightly cooked beautifully balanc

Nov 11

Many kibbles and raw foods formulated to AAFCO may be nutrient deficient as fed

Many vets tell people with fat dogs to "reduce the amount you're feeding."  This is bad advice because it will result in significant nutrient deficiencies.

Nov 09

A better answer to fat dog question

Question to vet: My dog is fat. Can I just reduce the amount of food fed? The client is feeding Dry Foods YES IF (Client is feeding Dry Foods) “If you’re feeding a quality high-protein dry food, and the minerals and vitamin amounts

Nov 08

Are American older dogs consuming only 60% of NRC recommended nutrient levels?

This table shows the number of kilocalories a dog must consume daily to meet NRC and FEDIAF recommended nutrient levels for adult dogs if the food the dog is eating is formulated to just meet AAFCO nutrient minimums per 1,000 kcal or dry matter bases

Oct 12

Thiamine:  Especially for cats and cooked diets!

Be careful which chicken dark meat you use for formulations. Most formulation programs give you 6 or more choices for chicken dark meat with no skin.
